
Why am I not getting Daily Email Alerts?

Have you signed up for Email Alerts and are wondering why you do not see anything coming into your inbox?  Here are a couple of things to check:

1) Does your city have recent salon apprentice ads that have been posted?  Emails are sent out after ads are posted, so if there are no recent ads, then no emails will be sent

2) Using Gmail?  Check your 'Promotions' tab, sometimes you might miss them because Gmail does not put these emails in your inbox (you can change those settings though - click here to learn more)

3) When you receive an Email Alert from Salon Apprentice, mark it important and add to you address book to ensure it does not get sent to your SPAM folder

4) We use 2-step verification through a Google service called Feedburner, once you submit your email, an email will be sent to you to 'verify' the request.

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